On-Line Shop
: English explanation

Please select quantity and click "Add to Cart".
Then go to PayPal 's Shopping Basket page (Votre Panier).
Please select Quantity (Quantite) and click "Payer" (Check out).

If you want to cancel, please click "supprimer" (delete). or if you want to change the quantity, correct the quantity and click "Metre a jour" (up date).

If you will click "Payer", go to selecting payment type page ( Choisissez un mode de paiement)
If you want to pay by Credit cards, click "Vous n'avez pas de compte PayPal?" (you don't have a PayPal account) at bottom of the page. Then go to credit card list page.

Please select your country (Pays), U.S.A. is "Etats Unis d'Amerique" then go to English page.
Or select Royaume-uni (United Kingdom), or Allemagne (Germany).

If you have any further problems, please contact us anytime: info@yaskoparis.com

Thank you very much for ordering.